November is nationally recognized as American Diabetes Month, but did you know that it is also Pet Diabetes Awareness Month? Diabetes in dogs and cats has become a growing epidemic throughout the years. Knowing what diabetes is, how to prevent it, and how to treat it if your pet develops it is our responsibility as pet owners to keep our best friends as healthy and happy as possible. Here are some facts about diabetes in pets, brought to you by our pet door installation Fort Worth experts.
Diabetes in pets, like in humans, results from the glucose-insulin connection malfunctioning because of an insulin complication. This can either be an insulin deficiency in your pet's body (known in humans as Type 1 diabetes) or that the body isn't using its insulin effectively as a result of insulin resistance (or Type 2 diabetes). Type 1 diabetes is caused when the pancreas cannot produce insulin in the way it should, prohibiting glucose from getting into the cells of the body to be converted into energy. Type 2 is induced by your pet's diet. While there is good insulin production in their body, they will become insulin-resistant because they consume too much sugar.
Though we commonly associate obesity and diet as being causes of diabetes, there are many other risk factors that can raise your pet's risk of developing diabetes. These include breed or genetics, age, auto-immunity, GMOs, gender, toxins, an inflamed pancreas, vaccinations, metabolic syndrome, and the long-term use of steroid drugs. While your pet's diet is certainly something you need to keep a careful watch over to reduce their likelihood of developing diabetes, it certainly isn't the only possible cause.
If your dog or cat does have diabetes, how do you recognize the signs? Symptoms of diabetes can develop gradually over time, such as the following:
If you begin to notice some of these symptoms in your dog, contact your vet so they can be tested for diabetes before their condition worsens.
If your dog begins showing signs of toxicity after eating chocolate, immediately contact or visit your veterinarian or a Pet Poison Helpline for treatment. Based on the size and weight of your dog and the amount they ingested, your vet may tell you to monitor them for symptoms and call back if their condition deteriorates. They can also induce vomiting to get the toxins out of the body if the chocolate was recently consumed. If they fear your dog is a more severe case, they may choose to put them on medication or IV fluids. You can also take immediate steps at home after you witness your dog get ahold of some chocolate. Giving them a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide (mixed with something more palatable to make it easier to get down) will help them to vomit the chocolate up, or if you can't get them to vomit you can feed them to hopefully dilute the effect of the theobromine. If you see them eat a large portion of chocolate, though, it's safer to contact a vet right away for advice.
Caring for a pet with diabetes is a daunting task at first, but you'll soon find that it's a manageable condition for them to live with. The changes will become part of yours and your pet's daily life. With some special attention and hard work, your dog or cat will lead a happy and nearly normal life.
Do you have any questions? Contact Glass Pet Doors today to discuss pet door installation in Fort Worth, perfect for helping your diabetic pets have easy access to outdoor exercise. We're happy to help!