Pets are far more than just animals. In many ways, taking care of them is much like caring for a child. They need time, attention, and a safe environment to live in. Here are some ways you can make your home safer for your pet, brought to you by our pet door installation in Fort Worth experts.
Without a dog door, your pet doesn't have any way to get in and out of your home by themselves. This can be an annoyance when they need to go to the bathroom, but can become life threatening in some situations. There have been many instances of dangerous situations where the pets become trapped inside the home while the family escapes. Pets can also get trapped outside in the winter or summer due to accidental neglectfulness, or have dangerous encounters with predaceous animals that they can't get away from. Having a pet door can give your pet an escape from life endangering situations, increasing their chances for survival.
Plants in and outside of the house are pleasant for both you and your pet. But while they add a splash of color and fragrance to any home, some can also present a danger to your pet. There are many average outdoor and indoor plants that are known to be toxic to animals. Lilies can cause irreversible damage to a cat's kidneys and liver, and common flowers like daffodils, oleanders, and azaleas can cause severe intestinal issues if consumed by a dog. Check the list of household plants that are toxic to pets if you're unsure of the safety of plants around your home and yard.
Medications and certain food can be dangerous if accidentally consumed by your pet. Keep any medications, cleaners, and other chemicals around your home on high shelves so your pet can't reach them. Don't leave food out unattended, and store food out of reach or behind closed doors.
Having an open yard can make it a little too easy for pets to escape and possibly get themselves in danger. Installing a fence will make your yard a safer and more contained environment for your pet. If your home already has a fence, you should carefully look over it for any weak spots or places where your pet could get out.
One of the worst things for a pet to get into is your trash cans. Not only does it guarantee a mess for you, who knows what might be in there that could be dangerous for them to swallow? Pet proof your garbage cans by keeping them covered, and if possible storing them behind a door or outside. You can also purchase latches for outdoor garbage cans and recycling bins.
Electrical cords and wires are one of the most dangerous items around the home that a pet can get into. To them, it could be nothing but a fun new chew toy. This could lead to burns in their mouths, electric shocks, or death from electrocution. Keep wires and cords tied up and tucked out of sight, or consider bundling them up and placing them inside PVC pipes for safe storage. Keep in mind the similar danger of outlets; cover them up to make sure your pet won't accidentally get shocked by one.
Installing pet gates in your home are a good idea for many situations. If you have a young pet that still struggles with going up and down the stairs or loves getting into places they shouldn't, installing a pet gate will keep them safe and out of trouble. Pet gates can also benefit a pet that has neurological or musculoskeletal problem that affects their mobility.
Pets are part of your family, and you want them to be as safe and comfortable in your home as possible. Taking some of these tips into account can help you make your home a better environment for you pet. Do you have any questions? Contact Glass Pet Doors today to discuss installing the perfect pet door.