Changes in your dog's daily behavior is worrying when you don't know what they're experiencing or how to help them. Here are some of the signs that can help you recognize stress or anxiety in your dog.
Gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea and constipation or vomiting can be caused by a high level of anxiety in your dog. Though they are commonly attributed to food borne illness or intolerances, contact your veterinarian to discuss probable causes if the issue is ongoing or severe.
Aggression in dogs is something to pay close attention to and could be a sign of an underlying problem. Anxious dogs often show their fear or try to defend themselves in a stressful situation by resorting to aggression. This can be accompanied or preluded by growling, a fearful stance, bared teeth, or submissive behavior. Luckily, there are treatments to help replace aggression with other behavior management techniques. Contact your veterinarian or trainer to discuss further action.
It's completely normal for dogs to express themselves through vocalization, but excessive barking and whining whether it's inside or outside could point to anxiety. Take care to notice what triggers your dog to be overly vocal. It is when strangers come over, when there's a knock on the door, around unfamiliar dogs, when you leave the house? This could lead to an answer to the problem.
If your dog is experiencing a sudden loss of appetite, this may be something to worry about. Pets don't diet or fast like a human would. Refusing to eat is a sign that your dog could be experiencing some kind of stress that could lead to health conditions if a solution is not found.
Most pups love being around people and socializing, and you know if your dog is naturally like this. While every dog needs some alone time every once and awhile, dogs that begin to constantly isolate themselves and avoid socialization with people or dogs for no reason is a telltale sign of stress and anxiety.
Dogs usually assume a relaxed posture with their weight bared on all four legs. But if your dog shifts their weight to their rear legs, cowers, tucks their tale, or becomes rigid with no health issues that would cause them to do so, they may be experiencing stress.
Dogs have pretty regular sleep schedules, and you're likely familiar with your dog's normal routine. If you notice your pup getting easily fatigued and sleeping for an abnormal amount of time, speak with your veterinarian about the possibility of it being caused by stress or anxiety.
Dogs pant when they're hot to release body heat and cool themselves down, much like we do when we sweat. If you notice them panting for no reason, maybe accompanied by their ears pinned back or whining, this is most likely a sign of stress. Be cautious if the panting suddenly stops, as your dog could become anxious enough to bite.
Unfortunately, dogs can't speak to us to tell us what they're experiencing, but it's possible to pick up on the signs they give us if we can recognize them. Knowing the signs of stress and anxiety in your dog will make it easier to get them help, and consider dog door installation from Glass Pet Doors to give them easy access to outside to play and release some of their stress in Longmont.